Conference schedule
Please note: The following schedule is still tentative as of Friday, January 3.
Friday, January 11, 2013
1:45 - 2:00pm
2:00 - 2:15pm 2:15 - 3:30pm 3:45 - 6:00pm 6:00 - 6:30pm 7:00pm |
Welcome "Agency and Emotion," Shaun Nichols (Philosophy, Arizona) Moderator: Owen Flanagan (Philosophy Duke) Session: Emotion, Empathy, and Moral Reasoning "More than a Feeling: Counterintuitive Effects of Empathy on Reasoning about Moral Dilemmas," Philip Robbins (Philosophy, Missouri) "Mind Perception and Morality," Kurt Gray (Psychology, UNC) Moderators: Barbara Fredrickson (Psychology, UNC) and William Lycan (Philosophy, UNC) Opening Panel Discussion Conference Dinner |
Saturday, January 12, 2013
9:30am - 12:00pm
12:00 - 1:30pm 1:30 - 3:45pm 4:00 - 5:15pm 5:15 - 6:00pm |
Session: Language, Emotion, and Attitude
"The Role of Language in Emotion Experience and Perception," Kristen Lindquist (Psychology, UNC) "Children's Attitude Problems," Valentine Hacquard (Linguistics, Maryland) Moderators: Misha Becker (Linguistics, UNC) and Peter Gordon (Psychology, UNC) Lunch Session: What/How Do Nonhuman Animals Understand? "Learning What is Human by Studying the Nonhuman Mind," Brian Hare (Evolutionary Anthropology, Duke) "Do Animals Understand Others' Internal Goals?" Robert Lurz (Philosophy, Brooklyn College, CUNY) Moderators: Dorit Bar-On (Philosophy, UNC) and Makeba Wilbourn (Psychology & Neuroscience, Duke) "How to Do Things with Emotions," Andrea Scarantino (Philosophy, GSU) Moderator: Dean Pettit (Philosophy, UNC) Closing Panel Discussion |